Monday, August 31, 2009
Don Quixote
Friday, August 28, 2009
draw on my face, please

Afterwards, we went to one of the puricura machines. These are big photo booth where you like about 8 photos in wacky poses with your friends, and then you draw all over them. They print them out in sticker form so you can decorate everything with your silliness. I was so excited because our machine let you send all the photos to your phone! So, I have digital copies of everything, which is awesome. Aren't we cute?

Sticker Baer
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Shop (till you`re broke)
So, I am slow to update this week... Last weekend, Chingyi and I went to Tokyo. Pretty much, that is "the thing to do" on the weekends. However, I spent sooo much money, I wont be going back for a while. (a.k.a next month, lol). We got paid that Friday before we left, and even though I wrote myself out a budget with all my money meticulously accounted for, there were certain things I didn't take into consideration so... yes, I am poor right now. lol.
This time, we looked for the absolute cheapest way to get there. It took us 1/2 hour longer than my last trip, but we paid only ¥1170 one way! So cheap.
We went to Harajuku first and I showed her the wonder that is Kiddyland. I wont tell you what I bought there... but let's just say the spending started with a bang. lol. What I WILL tell you is that I bought the cutest little Kleenex box, er, case?
Has a cute little llama on it. Always always I am looking for things to cutify my ugly apartment. Chingyi is equally enamored with cute things as I am, so it was fun to go through together. Ah! What a shock I got! On the Sanrio/Hello Kitty floor, there was a new line that had been released that day! You'd never guess (no, seriously...)... Yoshikitty... as in, Yoshiki from X Japan! Oh my gods, I think I may have burst out laughing when I saw it. It's kind of like... KISS doing a crossover with Carebears. Just not something you would generally think of.
Afterwards, we had Italian food at a restaurant overlooking LaForet. We got window seats, best seats in the house!, and watched all the people down below making their way through the busy Harajuku streets. We played "spot the lolita" and noticed that everyone we saw went straight into LaForet. You know where we were going! Yes! Back to AP! Afterward, we went to the ever famous Takashita Street. Tiny tiny street absolutely PACKED with people, stores lining both sides. We ate crepes and I went to spend more money in Closet Child. Yay!
Having finished with my spending binge, we headed to Chingyi's #1 stop: Akihabara. She is very into BJD, or Ball-Jointed Dolls. These were NOT the dolls they sell in Kiddyland, which are pretty but not BJD, and only about $136. Mostly the store we went to hand clothes and accessories, not the dolls themselves. However, they did had one line there.... I was shocked by the price even though I knew it would be a lot... I cant remember what it was now but $1000 wouldn't be an exaggeration. While they have very pretty faces, I am afraid the appeal is still lost on me... I was happy to admire, though.
We stayed out as long as we could, but we were pretty wiped out, so we headed to our hotel early, about 8:30. Finding a hotel for dirt cheap without it being....dirt cheap, was somewhat of a challenge. In the end, we settled on sharing a double for a measly $36 each. CHEAP! Despite the price, the room was really nice and spacious! I was most impressed. I took a picture but due to the shape of the room, it was impossible to get a good angle. You'll have to trust that it was nice. Nicer than our hotel in Ota had been.
The next day... we went to more of Chingyi's stops. Most important among them was the Pokemon Center. She absolutely loves Pokemon. The "center" turned out to actually just be one store, packed with Pokemon. Man, she was so excited! It felt like role reversal from me with the loli stores. I sat back and laughed. Her purchasing competition was half her height and 1/3 her age.
The last stop of the day (before a mad dash to the trains home) was the giant Gundam in Odaiba. This is a life-size figure (not human size) of a Gundam (giant robot) from a very famous Japanese anime/cartoon. I have no interest in the show whatsoever, but hey, it was rather a once-in-a-lifetime thing to see, so why not? However, on the way there, guess what I saw...
...and you thought I was in Japan!! Ha! Joke's on you!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Yes, I slept on the couch. Sometimes, my futon bed is just too hard to be tolerated. I feel like I never get a good night sleep here; I'm always tired. The couch is too short and a little narrow, but still more comfortable than the floor. I had the fan smack in my face too. Normally, when I overheat while sleeping, I either have nightmares or just weird dreams. With no air conditioning, you can imagine the state of my dreams. Maybe that is why I don't get enough sleep.
Enough whinning (yes, I can read your mind!), let me tell you about my weekend. On Friday, Taylor and I went to a nearby festival, called Neputa Matsuri. I wore my new yukata, quite pleased with my new ability to put it on (I probably haven't been this happy about dressing myself since I was 5). I thought I would get strange looks for wearing it, but I think I actually felt a little respect wafted my way. I could have imagined it.
(click on any of the pictures to see bigger versions)
The festival was very very crowded and fun. There were these HUGE drums being pulled/motored down a street that was entirely blocked off for the festival. I couldn't say for sure what the drums where made out of but it was likely paper. Each were hand painted in great detail, mostly depicting warriors.
There were also drums, big drums, being motored/pulled along, usually several in a row, with people sitting on top of them, beating the drums in unison. It was very loud and had a nice feel to it. I made a recording of the sound on my camera. Once I have gotten it put together, I will post it here so you can hear it!There was lots of food places set up along both sides of the road. It was sometimes difficult and sometimes not to figure out what the item was. One man was cooking octopus legs on a stick! I took a picture, but refrained from purchasing. Too chewy. I did try octopus balls though (see picture on right) and discovered that those were not to my taste either. Taylor and Chingyi both say they like them but... the fish taste is just too overwhelming for me!
I had a crepe for dinner. They had examples showing and I saw what I wanted but I wasn't sure what they called it. I politely asked the women in front of me what the item was called and they were kind enough, without prompting, to order it for me.
Unfortunately, we have missed most of the festivals for this year. I look foward to going to others next year.
On Sunday, I did more cooking. I was actually able to make some fish that tasted good! I made teriyaki salmon using a recipe for swordfish. Finding fish in the supermarket is so difficult! I cannot figure out what anything is other than salmon and tuna. Salmon I don't really want and tuna is too expensive. In the end, I just bought the cheapest thing I could identify, which happened to be salmon (sigh). Hopefully I can get someone to help me.
In addition, I attempted to make peanut butter cookies in my tiny convection oven.
I know what you're thinking: "Hey Lindsay, where's mine?" Don't they look delicious, all nice and BLACK like that. Yeah... if I'm not careful, my time in Japan is going to have a serious effect on confidence in cooking!! Despite the fact that the cookies were black, they were actually so undercooked that I couldn't pick them up. They are cute though, yes? Bunny rabbits, horses and bears, oh my! I think I need to find recipes specific to convection ovens...
Last night I cooked another recipe (squash and pork) in my new frying pan. What a difference! It doesn't spew oil at me like a viper! I think this recipe worked out as well, actually, but I haven't tried it yet. It went straight from the frying pan into the fridge for lunches. It didn't look anything like the picture in the cookbook though... I think those pictures are fake...
I am suspicious.
cookie Baer
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sing it, baby, sing it!
My first karaoke trip ever, in fact. It was rather a huge event with tons of people that I don't really know (and stuck in one of the rooms that just happened to have the only two people out of our group of 40 that I don't like) so I am told it is normally much more fun... but I think karaoke is just not the entertainment for me. I did sing two songs though: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and Basketcase by Green Day.
I did try to get into it, as you can see from below.
(afterwards, we reflected on how sad the death of Freddy Mercury was.... a reflection, I think, on how bad we were)
singin' Baer
Thursday, August 13, 2009
School (lack of) Life
To pass the time, I usually spend a lot of time on the internet. I have no internet in my apartment yet (nor will I, probably for another month), so I have to soak it up while I am at school. I do have crappy internet on my cell phone, so I am able to check my e-mail and train schedules whenever/wherever I want. In case you were wondering, I write all of my blog entries while I am at school. I have no official school responsibilities yet, since school hasn't started. At the elementary where I work on Fridays, I have 2 lessons to plan, but that is all. I also bring along my Japanese to study, but thus far, not much time gets devoted to that. For this reason, and the fact that the teacher's room is air conditioned (the rest of the school is not), I don't mind going to work for no apparent reason.
About the schools.. well, at the junior high school, where I am 4 days a week, I have met and talked to two of the English teachers who both speak English quite well. They are both female and very nice. I have my own desk and laptop computer (which is in Japanese...) next to one of the English teachers. The rest of the teachers do not speak English. However, many times, the English teachers are not at school, and the one people around are non-English speakers. Mostly, they don't try to talk to me too much. We are all nervous about our abilities with foreigners and foreign language. However, once the ice is broken, quite a conversation can be had. Lots and lots of gesturing, mixing languages until the point has gotten across, it works out alright. It's pretty cute/amusing really. I really appreciate their effort.
Everyone is very interested in my life prior to coming to Japan. I have a small album of photos from home, showing my family, my house, my college, and friends. This was the perfect icebreaker when I met the Principle at the JHS. Right after introducing myself, we were left alone. He is a jolly little man, but he speaks no English and I was not getting any Japanese out, so I whipped out my photo album and, BAM, instant communication. I remembered to bring it the first day I was staying at the elementary as well. I took it out just to show the two people I was talking to, and instantly, the entire office had gathered in front of me. My first experience as a 4th grade teacher. lol. Everyone is particularly impressed with the picture of my parent`s house + boat in Texas. Should have brought more of those.
My first day at the elementary was kind of awkward. None of the English teachers were there, and, as far as I could tell, no one spoke English. So I sat at my desk in the back quietly for quite a long time without anyone to talk to or anything to do. Then, one of the woman from the front came back, the computer tech, and it turned out that she spoke some English. Later, the school clerk introduced himself to me and spoke a little. People seem happy to see me there, but are very shy. I understand, of course. I am shy as well.
Just as the day was winding down, the computer-sensei came back and invited me to join them in a game of badminton. I wasn't the only one with nothing to do! So someone lent me some indoor sneakers and we went to the (un-air conditioned!) gym and played. It was super fun and hey! no language required!
A side note: at Gunma orientation, it was impressed upon us that we are not allowed to mention people by name or post pictures of individuals from school, especially the children. So, if my vagueness strikes you at some points, this is the reason.
teacher Baer
kimono and taxes
I also got a lesson in the shamisen. This is a traditional Japanese 3-string instrument that looks sort of like a small, boxy guitar. However, instead of using your fingers to play, there is a large, flat paddle-like thing that you use to press the strings. It makes it quite awkward and difficult. However, the music is essentially like tabs, so it is very easy to read. Yay for that. I think I will stick to guitar though..
In addition, for the first time we were actually given a very brief, but effective idea about how to deal with American taxes. It's official! I don't have to pay any taxes for at least 3 years if I stay in Japan! Mwahahaha! Man, should stay here until that luxury runs out. This means I must stay completely out of the USA for at least 1 year, but I wasn't intending on leaving anyway. The other night I was calculating my paychecks in my head, trying to figure out how much disposable income I would have left over each month. Just to be safe, I was calculating taxes out of that as well... quite a depressing sum; I am sure glad to get it back! Though, I definitely think I'll be spending more on groceries than I expected... I do try and go to the farmers market to buy my fruit and vegetables, so that helps reduce costs.
Next to the grocery store that I go to (almost everyday) is a hyaku-en shop (dollar store) and a clothing store. I adore this clothing store. They have some cute, fashionable things but they are SO CHEAP! I bought a t-shirt there for about $7 and a cute little skirt for $14. They also have a good selecti0n of slippers/indoor shoes, which is faaaabulous, as non-hideous indoor shoes are hard to find. They have lots of other stuff too, like blankets and pillows and house stuff. Man, I really want to deck out my apartment with cute stuff! But it seems like such a waste since I will eventually leave... I am always caught between wanting to spend money on my apartment and not wanting to waste money on things I can't take home... hmm...
Today our supervisor is taking Taylor and myself to buy a new bike! Yay! I have to pay for it, of course, but that part doesn't matter... I just really really don't want my bike to break. Taylor's actually did! When it's the only way to get around, it can be a scary thing! So, I'm excited. My new bike will even have a little light on the front! I feel like a little kid.
dork Baer
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
There was an earthquake last night! Even though it came all the way from the east coast of Japan, shaking up Tokyo, it felt pretty strong even from my apartment in Gunma! It lasted so long too, and after the first wave, another one hit that was even stronger.
Wah, I thought it was really cool. lol.
It made international news. Read about it here:
shakin' bakin' Baer
An aside: In loving memory of Jasmine You...
So much death lately... and he was truly beautiful and so talented. I actually saw a picture of him (see below), without his makeup, while I was in Tokyo and gods, he looked like an angel...
My adoration for Japanese music artists like Jasmine You was greatly a part of the reason that I became interested in Japan... so, it is quite a blow to me. I hope I will still get to see Versailles again someday, though one man short...
sad Baer
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tokyo at last!
Well, on Saturday, I was went to Tokyo for real! First, I must tell you, getting there was something of a trial. I spent the entire night before going over maps and trying to figure out how to get there. Impossible. The maps are all in solid kanji, and there is no map of my particular railway. Finally, I went on my phone internet and found a route via This website is my salvation. Funny thing was, when I first tried to access it with my phone, it didn't work. It was only after hours of pouring over useless maps that it suddenly decided to work.
So, I wrote out my directions meticulously both in romanji and kanji, feeling a little nervous about making the trip by myself, but determined to go anyway. However, when I got to the train station, I found that the machine to buy tickets made no sense. Instead of asking for a destination or a route or any other method, it asked how much I should pay. How would I know?! I showed my directions to an attendant and he was able to print me the necessary ticket on his computer, but I still have no idea how to buy a ticket myself...
Overall, the trip was pretty quick. It took about 2 hours total and cost ~2200 yen (about $24). It wasn't the cheapest route but it wasn't the most expensive either, just the most convenient. I didn't take the bullet train (it's not convenience to wear I live) but the express trail. I didn' t realize that the express train had assigned seats (ohhh, THAT'S was 'reserved seating' means) so I was shooed out of my spot before I realized something was up.
I actually only went to Harajuku. I knew I wouldn't have very much time since I was only spending a day there, so I had a couple very specific stores picked out and nothing else. First, I went to Kiddyland.
Kiddyland is a huge toy store, 5 floors, each with their own theme. I lost track of time, so I can't say for sure, but I think I spent 2 hours in this store! It was totally packed! Probably because it is listed in many travel guides as well as because it is simply huge, I think. What I thought was funny was how much space was dedicated to foreign toys/characters. Micky mouse, Carebears, Snoopy, Disney... some had their very own floors! Mostly, I looked only briefly over this stuff. There were only two floors that were almost completely Japanese. I took a few pictures of the cute things they had for sale.
These dolls~ so pretty! The dresses! Wah! Angelic Pretty minature dresses! Everything on those girls are minature of real items that you can buy and wear, down to the detail on the skirts and bonnets! So cute! My love of Angelic Pretty (the brand) made me squee. However, the dolls were not for sale and the picture was free so...
Speaking of Angelic Pretty, that was actually the main reason for my trip to Tokyo this time and my next stop. The store is in a mall called Laforet, which I read was huge. Somehow, even though I knew (on a map) where it was, I still got lost finding it. Funny thing was, getting lost put me on the famous Harajuku St.
I didn't have time or money to spend there this time, so I just took a picture and headed to Laforet. Laforet was a huge mall, 7 stories, I think. From what I saw, all of the clothes there were very nice, very stylish, but also, very expensive. I spent some time in the store I had planned to go to, bought a yukata, and looked around a bit. There was just one little restaurant that I saw, nestled in the corner. It was more of a cafe than a restaurant, with most people ordering these really interesting drinks... they looked like colored ice cubes with milk poured over them. Some sort of tea. I would like to try it next time I go, but this time, I just had a regular lemon tea and pancakes. I was told I wouldn't find pancakes in Japan, but there it is.
(click for bigger picture)
One thing about this trip... I had really really wanted to wear one of my beautiful skirts from AP. That way I would look nice and not like a total tourist. However, it was (yet again) raining when I left Gunma. It rains and rains and raaaaaaaaaaains. I didn't want to ruin my skirt, so wore something else. It turns out, though, that I wore the wrong thing. It's a pink blouse from Anthropology that I have wore countless times in the US. It's very low cut but I don't worry too much about it. Well, that is NOT the case here! Everyone and their mother (literally) was staring at my breasts without even trying to hide it! It was... a little uncomfortable, I have to say. The worst part was actually on the local train home. It was pretty empty but this guy sitting across from me was majorly creepy. Even the boob-staring people would look away after a minute. This guy did not. He actually laid out on his side on the empty bench and just stared at me the entire 8 minutes I was on the train. Like he was watching a movie. Boy was I glad when he did not get off on my stop.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Not such a great cook
Really, it is not too enjoyable to make food in my kitchen. Always I have to use the stove to cook, becaue I have no oven... but I spend the entire time fearing for my skin, standing as far away as possible while holding the pan, trying to avoid hot oil burns. This is crazy! One day I am afraid I may serioiusly hurt myself. I need some lessons -in my kitchen lessons.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Finally, internet!, Ota!
This morning something quite strange happened. It was the first day of my going to the Junior High School, so I had not slept well due to being a little stressed out. At 6:30 in the morning, my doorbell rang. Scared half to death out of my sleep, I grabbed my clock, wondering if I had somehow slept past my alarm. Seeing that this was not the case, I got up and saw from my bedroom door a couple large Japanese men dressed all in black standing at my kitchen window. I must say, this did not help my nerves one bit. Throwing on some pants and cursing myself for wearing my Japanese "dragon" shirt to bed (laughingly told myself the night before that no one would SEE me, after all), I hurried to the door. Actually, there were 3 large men in black uniform, looking rather like SWAT. However, very quickly, a very unthreatening beaurocrat-type man popped out from behind the door. He showed me his badge (kay, freaking out now) and then proceded to explain in Japanese that he was from immigration. He took my passport and a women appeared out from nowhere and came into my kitchen, explaining it was a "visa check" and couldn't she just look around my apartment? ...
I (obviously) don't have a lot of experience with Japanese government of any type, but an unannounced 6:30AM visit seemed pretty proactive to me... I think I must have been a very suspicious personage! Perhaps my neighbors had called about the strange American that had suddenly appeared!
wah... scary.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Welcome to Ota: A Recap
Unfortunately, soon after eating we had to return to the hotel.