Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Last Saturday, Tsuiki-sensei was kind enought to once again invite me out, this time to a picnic. They picked me up in the morning along with another friend/co-worker. The area we went to for the picnic was really lovely. I guess it was sort of a community area, with a huge, well-cared for garden, lots of green green grass, and a sort of mini-golf place.

The coworker that we picked up on our way was the only othe person besides Tsuiki-sensei and Raj that spoke English. It worked out well enough for me, with three people to talk to, one excited child, and a group of very friendly Japanese happy to stuff me full of food without any exchange of words. I can't tell you for sure what we ate, but it was really really good. "Barbeque" here certainly doesn't mean hamburgers and hotdogs. I think we started with pork belly. I don' t even want to know how unhealthy it was, as I imagine it had to be pretty bad, but it was so damn good. They made waaaay too much food though! I can't imagine how anyone says that the Japanese dont eat plenty of meat, because I think I got a months worth in one day. It just kept coming.

It was a simple and relaxing day. I talked with the other English speaker a bit. We played "guess my age".... and he said I was 32! 32!! My students sometimes think I am 19! Man, what a blow... lol... The time not spent talking was filled with Taro-chan, who was, in the tradition of children, ever to happy to take up our attention. I still don't have a great fondness for children, but I can fake it quite decently.

Seeing me eyeing the mini-golf course a little longingly, Tsuiki-sensei invited me to play with Raj, Taro, and his friend. It was pretty fun. Raj's friend was strong, but so bad. He kept hitting his ball into every possible obstacle. Taro-chan was hopeless. Tsuiki-sensei was quite good and Raj was even better. It was pretty fun.

Tsuiki-sensei and Raj are so kind to me. Since she is not actually my sensei anymore, I wonder if it is okay if I call her Tsuiki-san. Maybe after a few more visits?

grilled-sweet-potato Baer

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