Thursday, November 26, 2009


This conversation is actually from a long time ago, right before V-Rock Festival (I had it saved in a different journal), but it is related to what I was feeling tonight:

I was reminding one of my mentor/coworker that I was taking a day off for the concerts.
They sort of laughed in that knowing way that I've come to recognize as polite, amused, derision for my love of visual kei.
So I asked them, "I have noticed that many Japanese don't have a good impression of VK."
Another derisive laugh.
Me: "You don't like it?"
Teacher: "I think it is.. a little strange."
Me: "Ah, yes. Their outfit are a bit unusual, but I think it just adds to the music-"
Teacher: "So you consider them musician, then?" Very direct.

OMG, this comment just shocked me to silence for a moment.

Me: "Of course!! I wouldn't care about them if I didn't like their music!"
Teacher: "Oh, really? They actually play good music?"
Me: "Yes!! Musicians?! Yoshiki is the most famous musician in Japan!"
Teacher: "Oh, well, yes, Yoshiki is good. He's good.."
Me: "He's the father of visual kei!!" <--- complete disbelief that is conversation is happening.

I'm still reeling. Is that what Japanese people really think? That they are all just a bunch of overpaid crossdressers? The prejudice is just overwhelming. This was actually the first time (not this conversation, but the subject in general) I have come in contact with the rather infamous prejudices of the Japanese... to have it be against something I love so dearly (hello, a MAJOR reason for my interest in Japan!) really rather crushed me like a burnt piece of paper.

Anyway, I think of this conversation often (b/c even close Japanese friends of mine, while being polite, cannot help suppress a laugh when asking me how my concerts went). Like this evening, I was getting depressed thinking about Christmas again, wondering what I was gonna do... and Miyavi pops onto my iTunes singing a soft acoustic song, and it was like... the equivalent of a family member suddenly calling me just when I need to hear a friendly voice. I wish I could impart that feeling to my Japanese friends. It is part of their own culture, after all.

Anyway, this is what came up on my iTunes. you should listen to it. maybe you'll know how I felt.

382 Baer

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