Thursday, January 7, 2010


It is quite sad when you find yourself continuously refreshing the page of your own blog, wondering why there are no new entries... it seems I am quite behind! I have much to tell you about, including getting sick, speaking with my idol, getting naked in public, and appearing on Japanese TV (!) Aren't you just giddy with anticipation.

..However, I am the epitome of laziness. For now, I will have to amuse you with this brief antidote:

The other day my supervisor was kind enough to take some time out of his work day to take me to get my bike fixed and get a new battery for my watch. As we were leaving the store, I saw two of my JHS students. One of them gave me this shocked look that made me laugh; students are always so surprised to realize their teachers exist outside the walls of the school, like we might just puff into thin air at the end of everyday. However, turning to look at my supervisor, it occured to me what exactly he had seen: me, walking with an unknown middle age Japanese gentleman in a pinstripe suit, out of a jewelry store.

maybe you had to be there, but
it was pretty funny.


pimped(?) Baer

1 comment:

  1. Oooh how they must be talking! XP Sorry I just caught up with you...its been extremely...well stupid over here. I have a part time job working as a computer/ publicist consultant for a small real estate company and am trying desperately to get a REAL job cause this guy only pays me minimum wage, calls me 24/7 like I'm his personal slave, never pays me on a regular basis not to mention shorts me on hours, and all around is a selfish a$$hole. Blegh...anyhow I'm glad your having fun! Things in the US are getting very frustrating news wise as I'm sure you've heard. I can't really even blame Obama for not being able to do anything cause let me tell you...everyone in the US has lost their F-ing minds. When your spending time and money to argue that the movie Avatar was raciest, anti-american, anti-native american, slandered paraplegics, AND homophobic (just because there wasn't a gay alien!?) you obviously have lost your mind.

    Anyway, I loved Avatar..(seen it twice, not cause of the plot though...the plot is Ferngully 100% and some of the dialoge is so cheesy you literally cringe, I loved it cause the art of it was AMAZING not only tat but it was kinda like a Discovery Channel special where you learn about a new planet! Also the whole movie was very very pretty...but I do have to say....I feel like they ripped of the whole Final Fantasy 10 world. I mean really....really..ripped it off. If you've seen it you know what I mean. Defiantly have to see this one in 3-d if you can, although it would still be good in 2-d.

    Still never really go on Facebook...I know thats inconvenient to everyone around me (including my GRANDMOTHER now T_T ) but I really can't stand it now... sigh... but please feel free to e-mail me! (you have my address right?)

    Well, nothing much else to report on! Talk to you later!

