Let's face it.
I'm not really much of a "patriot."
I tend to think of patriotism - a close relative of nationalism - as being an excuse to hate other people.
However, as I've said before and will likely find myself saying again, I've always found that living abroad makes me feel more, well, patriotic. The surest sign that I am experience such an episode is the sudden, inexplicable craving for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This was a terrible habit that I picked up in Russia; the first time I realized how American PBJs are.
This year, July 4th rolled around and I found myself doing other inexplicable things: mainly, spending waaay too much money buying overpriced powdered sugar to make hand decorated 4th of July cakes, something I've never done in my life:
Although I never got the chance to taste any of these cakes (including the blueberry-covered one, not pictured, that I gave to Yuki and Masa), I was told they were a success. For the sake of my ego and powdered-sugar-pillaged-wallet, I shall choose to assume they were telling the truth.
The holiday was also a good excuse to do something fun and mindless with the 3rd and 4th grades, which I write the lesson plans for. Instead of doing vocabulary, I would give a speech about Independence Day - with lots of pictures! - and then the kids would make their very own American flag. Fun!
Akemi did a wonderful job making the demonstration model:

I had fun making picture cards to use for my speech. I do love to laminate~

Akemi liked the picture cards so much, she asked me to print a copy for herself.
One patriot successfully recruited.
I did my best to try and keep the kids involved in my speech, asking them questions to see how much they already knew. A couple volunteers from each class even demonstrated what an American flag looked like by drawing on the blackboard. I was impressed that some of the kids even knew how many stars and stripes there were!
... I have a sneaking suspicion they were using their geography book to count...
I found some pretty ridiculous pictures of people wearing American Flag print clothing. Did you know there is even
an American flag wedding dress you can buy? Man if that isn't redneck....
Sorry Uncle Sam, but you're not invited to my wedding.
It was pretty funny to watch the kids all make their own flag. I liked to think of it as "Recruiting Patriots"; Sounds much better than "brainwashing", doesn't it?
For the sake of time and convenience (you might be amazed to know how long it takes for a 9 year old to cut out a single stripe) , there were only 1-6 stars and anywhere from 5-14 stripes. Is it still patriotic when your American flag might be mistaken for
Puerto Rico, or even
Malaysia? Oops. Maybe recruiting's not my calling after all.
At the end of the class, we had all the kids stand up at the front and show off their new found American pride:
GO Patriots!
...wait a minute...
red-and-white-and-blue-all-over Baer