Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Begins!

Ah, the official start of summer vacation.
Of course, 'summer vacation' has a very deceptive ring to it, since we still have to go to work everyday, unlike teachers in the States. My new Vice Principal is also, unfortunately, not the kind of man that will just let me leave at lunch... oh how I miss my old VP.

I have started going to watch the kendo club practice once or twice a week. One of the main characters of my favorite manga plays kendo, so it has always had a soft spot in my heart. I've always been fascinated with fencing, but kendo is far difference than the European style of fencing. For one, it is definitely louder, with aggressive yelling and foot stomping, as well as the fact that you win points by smacking your (plastic/bamboo) sword against the other person's HEAD, ha ha. I asked and they said yes: it does hurt and it is scary. They let me try it once, but I couldn't quite make myself hit my student. Fail. I was downgraded to referee after that.
So I guess I can go watch them pretty much full time during the summer... or at least, more often.

In addition to that, there are quite a lot of seminars. My parents are visiting and we are going to Kyoto (tomorrow!) which actually got me out of a couple things, but still there are a lot. Kingsley and I are supposed to be doing our own "New Teacher Training Lesson" which is just... ugh. The entire ordeal has been extremely aggravating, especially since this really isn't part of our job and yet they have still managed to give us exactly zero details on what is expected of us... Believe me, I could go on

-but I wont.
Because I am going to Kyoto tomorrow!!
And I don't want any cracks in my rose colored glass.


summer-fun-time Baer

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