Sunday, August 1, 2010

There is a rule. [THE END]

I watched "The Terminal" tonight.

Right after the part with the Russian guy and the goat, the airport authority man gets reamed by his boss for steamrolling over people in his attempt to follow the rules:

"Somtimes you have to ignore the rules. Ignore the numbers and concentrate on the people...Compassion, Frank."

I wonder how they translated THAT into the Japanese version.
They probably just cut that part out entirely.
Wouldn't want to confuse anyone with foreign concepts... or worse yet, get ideas.

...Yeah, I'm a little bitter. I admit.
I am really tired of being told something is just impossible because "there is a rule". Even if it means wasting someone's time or health, even if it is wasteful and unnecessary, even if following that rule may cause massive stress and inconvenience for no reason other than for the sake of "the rule". There is apparently zero ability to make a judgement call.

angry Baer

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